
Optomap is an innovative new technology that gives eye doctors the ability to perform ultra-wide retinal imaging that is far superior to what can currently be achieved using conventional retinal imaging options. In contrast to conventional retinal imaging, Optomap captures at least 50% more of the retina in a single capture, and with Optomap’s multi-capture function, up to 97% of the retina can be viewed. This gives eye care professionals greater opportunity to monitor the health and condition of patient vision.

Why is Optomap important?

We strongly believe in the power of monitoring your general well-being through regular eye care checkups, which should include the Optomap Retinal Exam. Optomap is a great preventative eyecare technology tool. Optomap Retinal Imaging gives your eye doctor a comprehensive view of your retina, allowing them to detect any developing eye diseases early on. In most cases, Optomap Retinal Imaging replaces the need for dilation, as our doctors will be able to see an even wider scope of the back of your eye. These images will be stored in your files and reviewed yearly to compare changes in eye health.

Not only can Optomap detect eye conditions such as retinal holes, retinal detachment, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, but it can also be used to identify some general health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer.

What to expect with Optomap Retinal Imaging

Optomap Retinal Imaging is an easy, quick, and comfortable process to generate images of the back of your eye. It is suitable for patients of all ages, including children and pregnant women.

The imaging process takes pictures at various angles of the eye and once completed, these images are immediately displayed on the doctor's computer screen. Accessing the images immediately allows our doctors to review and explain your results alongside you.

If you would like more information about what is involved in Optomap, or to schedule an appointment for this effective screening technology, please contact our office to discuss this in greater detail.